Ok-ay….alr-ight….got lots of work done…. to-night. (sing it Robin!)
Yep, I’m proud. Cleaned a few old posts up, Posted 3 new podcasts and 1 interview. There is certainly more on the way.
But now for something fun. When I got my new Ashley Wood Fig (Adventure Kartel: Shadows 2) I wanted to see what Penumbra looked like from the same series. I found this guy on youtube who does mini videos of all his action figs. I thought that was pretty cool but way time consuming. So let’s compromise eh? Every once and awhile, I’m going to post pics of some of my figs. I have so many and I love to share.
I call this guy, Alligator eating Babies. The first time I saw it was at Rupert Bottenbergs house (http://lostmyths.net/rupert/) and as a childcare worker it filled me with glee. Created by Amanda Visell (http://amandavisell.com/) for Strangeco, (http://www.strangeco.com/) Alligator eating Babies was part of their multi artist Vivisect Playset series that came out in 2008. Unfortunately for me, it was what I call a Japanese Vending Machine Toy. Which means they are packed in individual boxes and you have no idea what you are getting when you get it. It also means I had a really low percentage of getting it.
Enter Camion de Pompier, (http://camiondepompier.bigcartel.com/) one of the best specialty toys shops I’ve ever come across. They actually sell singles of the toys obtained in those dark dark boxes. And all was right in my world, now that I get to see those babies sad, sad, faces every morning and the Alligators wicked grin as he gobbles them up. I dig the feetless, swaddled babies and their worried frowns, I dig how the Alligators so blissed out on how yummy the babies are that his eyes are closed. I dig how you can still see the upset babies in the Alligators belly. As well I dig how the Alligator is using his tail to emphasize what a delicate and delectable morsel the babies are and I especially dig the Alligators hands.