You know, initially when “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” came out, I was beyond the hype. Weirdly enough I found the movie to be charming. The first role I actually enjoyed Luke Perry in, plus it was the first time I had seen Paul Reubens after his masturbation debacle. Fast forward a few years later, Buffy’s in college now and bored one night, I started watching an episode. It defied every TV convention I could think of and from that point on I was hooked.
It was only natural that I would turn to the comic world to continue my “Buffy” and “Angel” fix after both shows ended. But my god was there ever a dearth of material. And every time I opened an issue, I was usually disappointed with the art. Half of it seemed so phoned in.
As a huge Joss Whedon fan I’ve never quite understood why Dark Horse tends to pair their “Buffy” franchise with some really crappy artists. They do the same thing with “Star Wars.” If they stuck to the good ones, I’m positive more people would read them.
But they did odd things like get Andi Watson and Dan Brereton to write the issues instead of illustrate, while both are fantastic artists in their own right that would’ve done interesting and innovative takes on the BuffyU. The new series I find especially heartbreaking because they have such beautiful covers by Jo Chen and the interiors just don’t even compare.

This week we will be examining the “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and “Angel” comics that have been published by Dark Horse Comics. Specifically the ones with good art.
Buffy comix suck. First of all, why are all the characters now gay? Buffy and Dracula used to be hetero. And there is way too much xander.
Hi Maria
Those are some valid points. Thanks for listening. (To be honest with you, I’ve read very little of season 8 and on. So I can’t really say why all the characters are gay and if too much Xander is a bad thing.)